Via Gold A9 Detector


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Via Gold A9 Treasure detector detects exactly where metals (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Bronze) and coins are located.

Via Gold A9 Detector

via Gold A9 Treasure detector detects exactly where metals (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Bronze) and coins are located. Via Gold A9 Gold Detector provides 3 different uses. With the Slow search on the Via Gold A9 Detector, it is understood whether the metal is precious or worthless or gold at deeper depths and with colors and sound on the main unit. In the Single Coin search section, smaller gold coins between 30 and 60 cm in size, metal coins and objects that are smaller in size are detected as ID (Numerical). Depth Calculation is also available in the Via Gold A9 Model. Within seconds, you can determine how deep the object you are looking for is and easily end your search. Via Gold A9 Treasure Detector also has an Area Scanning feature. With the help of this feature, you can scan an area of 100 meters and locate structures such as Rooms, Cellars and Tombs by remotely accessing them. Via Gold A9 is a high-performance metal search detector whose price is quite affordable compared to other devices on the market. By turning off the Iron Sight feature, you can only search for valuable objects.

Via Gold A9 Treasure detector is designed with 3 unique coils. These Coils;

7 kHz 60×60 Search Coil
17 kHz 26×32 Search Coil
20 kHz is 26×32 Search Coil


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